
Is Vietnam Worth Visiting? 30 Pictures To Show Why You Must

Is Vietnam Worth Visiting? 30 Pictures To Show Why You Must

Honestly, I had only a slight interest in visiting Vietnam before. That changed when my friend told me it’s cheap to travel in Vietnam. Guess what? I was mind-blown when I booked a 3-dollar hostel—in the heart of Hanoi city center for only a few dollars! Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely! The inexpensive travel in Vietnam is…

5 Best Things to Do In Sa Pa Vietnam (Relaxing Activities)

5 Best Things To Do In Sa Pa Vietnam (Relaxing Activities)

If you are a backpacker, you will love Sapa for its exotic and breathtaking experiences around Mount Fansipan, the tallest mountain in the Indochina peninsula. In just one overnight bus from Hanoi, you can already enjoy the scenic view of the mountains, rice terraces, and waterfalls. You will also get to meet the locals who…