10 Beautiful Places In Munich (That Make Munich Beautiful)

Bavaria is the part of southern Germany that has my wanderlust burning. It’s full of beautiful places that look like they came straight out of a fairy tale. Charming medieval towns, magical castles, pristine lakes, and breathtaking mountains—everything a wanderer like me could want to visit is right here.

Munich, the capital of Bavaria and gateway to its scenic and magical attractions, is also a beautiful city in its own right. From elegant architecture to lush green spaces and a vibrant cultural scene, there’s always something to please the eye in Munich.

If you are traveling in Bavaria to see beauty, spend time in Munich.

With its rich history reflected in the stunning architecture that graces the cityscape, and its vibrant cultural scene showcased through world-class museums and lively festivals, Munich’s beauty shines in a variety of ways. One can simply attend a festival and then visit a palace and realize that Munich is uniquely charming.

However, as a tourist, there’s no quicker way to appreciate Munich’s beauty than by visiting its beautiful landmarks and attractions. This city, where the past gracefully mingles with the present, presents a canvas of picture-perfect sights, from elegant Gothic medieval structures to the sleek lines of modern skyscrapers.

Munich is also sprinkled with hidden gems that will make your jaw drop as you stumble upon them. You’d love to see the medieval clocktower that comes to life with a mechanical ballet that’s nothing short of spectacular! Well, not to mention Munich’s grand Baroque palaces – they’ll keep you exploring, inspired to discover another room full of magnificence.

If you’re looking to appreciate the beauty of Munich, especially its rich history and stunning architecture, the following places I’ll show you are a must-visit.

But before that, a quick moment. I just want to share my list of the most beautiful places in Southern Germany. In the list, you’ll discover scenic, historical, and magical places in Southern Germany where the most unforgettable memories and memorable journeys are made. Click on the link to open an article on a new tab and read it later:

Do you like mountains, lakes, castles, and fairytale villages? Bavarian Alps has all of those. Check out my 3-day, 7-day, and 10-day itineraries for visiting the Bavarian Alps. I’ve listed 5 towns and 15 tourist attractions to see in that post.

1. Marienplatz and Neues Rathaus

Beautiful Place in Munich 1 Marienplatz

Let’s begin our exploration of Munich’s beauty with Marienplatz, the heart of Munich since its establishment in 1158. It is the square that has been Munich’s vibrant hub for centuries, hosting numerous tournaments and markets, including the renowned Christkindlmarkt.

The stunning architecture, high-end shopping, and historical landmarks of Marienplatz contribute to Munich’s captivating charm.

A visit to Marienplatz offers a plethora of sights to behold. However, it’s the majestic buildings around the square that will truly take your breath away. Within Marienplatz, you’ll discover the Neues Rathaus to the north and the Altes Rathaus to the east. The Fischbrunnen and Mariensäule command attention in the center of the square.

From Marienplatz, you can also catch sight of the city’s two most distinguished churches.

Neues Rathaus

Prepare to be awestruck by the stunning facade of the Neues Rathaus in Marienplatz! This remarkable building, which was completed in 1905, is a testament to the exquisite Neo-Gothic architecture. You’ll find yourself spending minutes simply admiring the intricate design of its facade.

Beautiful Place in Munich 2 Neues Rathaus Tower
Beautiful Place in Munich 3 Neues Rathaus Gate
Beautiful Place in Munich 4 Neues Rathaus Facade
Beautiful Place in Munich 5 Neues Rathaus Courtyard

Indeed, the Neues Rathaus, with its stunning facade that narrates Munich’s history, is a sight to behold. Adorned with statues of princes, knights, bishops, and saints nestled between the windows, it’s a visual treat.

However, the real gem is the Glockenspiel, the clock chimes of Neues Rathaus. This spectacle is a must-see on every visit to Munich As it chimes, the figures within come alive, offering an experience that is quintessentially European.

Don’t miss the Glockenspiel’s daily performances at 11:00 am and 12:00 pm. If you’re visiting between March and October, you can also catch the 5:00 pm show.

But the allure of Marienplatz doesn’t stop at the facade of Neues Rathaus. If heights don’t daunt you, ascend the 85-meter tower for a breathtaking view of Munich. Don’t worry about climbing stairs; there’s an elevator to whisk you to the top.

Inside the New Town Hall, you can explore some of its rooms. The majestic interiors are reminiscent of a scene from a Harry Potter movie, with vaulted ceilings and ornate windows that seem straight out of a fantasy film. The rooms of Neues Rathaus are as captivating as its facade.

One notable space is the small conference room of the Magistrate. Its chandeliers, wooden seats, and a painting depicting the coronation of Monachia create an enchanting atmosphere that’s sure to leave you spellbound.

When you step into the courtyard of Neues Rathaus or gaze upon it from the windows, you’ll find a labyrinth etched into the ground. This intriguing design will stir your curiosity, making you wonder about the mysteries that Neues Rathaus holds within its walls.

Neues Rathaus Visiting Information

You can also learn something about the city and its history when visiting Neues Rathaus. You can find exhibitions in the Town Hall Gallery. The Town Hall tower gallery is open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Entry for a 15-minute visit costs 6 EUR. You can learn more about Neues Rathaus from muenchen.de (official website)

2. Peterskirche

Just a stone’s throw away from Marienplatz, you’ll find Peterskirche, Munich’s oldest church, predating even the city’s foundation. The church’s 90-meter tower, fondly referred to as “Alter Peter” or “Old Peter” by locals, may not initially catch your eye, especially when compared to the grand facade of the Neues Rathaus.

However, don’t be too hasty in your judgment! Once you venture inside Peterskirche and ascend the 90-meter tower, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of Munich’s skyline. From this vantage point, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Marienplatz and the Neues Rathaus. Despite its unassuming exterior, Peterskirche offers one of the most beautiful experiences in Munich.

Beautiful Place in Munich 7 Peterskirche and Marienplatz

The interiors of Peterskirche are breathtaking too! Marveling at the ceiling painted with frescoes and ornate with stuccoes satisfies wanderlust. The golden sculptures and white walls create an elegant impression.

Beautiful Place in Munich 6 Peterskirche

If it’s a sunny day, you’ll see sunlight entering the Baroque choir of Peterskirche – it looks heavenly! We can consider Peterskirche’s choir a must-see because of two things. It’s where we find the 300-year-old high altar. Most importantly, it is where we can see one of Munich’s best-known ecclesiastical art treasures. The golden statue of Saint Peter.

Peterkirche Visiting Information

Entry to the church is free. But to climb the tower, you’ll need to pay 5 EUR for admission. Kids and teens 6 to 18 have a 2 EUR admission fee only. Based on muenchen.de, Peterskirche is open from 12:00 am to 4:30 pm daily.

3. Asamkirche

Beautiful Place in Munich 8 Asamkirche Facade

Just a short stroll of five minutes from Marienplatz in Munich, you’ll discover a hidden gem along Sendlinger Street – the Asamkirche. This quaint church may not be as grandiose as the Neues Rathaus or as expansive as Peterskirche, but it holds its own unique charm that will undoubtedly surprise you upon entering.

So, what exactly is Asamkirche? It’s a baroque church from the mid-18th century, built by the Asam brothers. Originally intended as their private sanctuary, it eventually became a public place of worship following negotiations. Today, it stands as a quintessential example of southern German Late Baroque architecture.

Despite its humble exterior, the Asamkirche is a testament to the adage that true beauty lies within. The interior is a breathtaking spectacle of artistry, with every inch adorned with embellishments, murals, and frescoes.

The church’s beauty can be attributed to the artistic prowess of the Asam brothers, Egid Quirin Asam, a sculptor, and Cosmas Damian Asam, a painter. Their combined talents have resulted in a stunning creation that is Asamkirche.

Pay special attention to the chancel area – it’s arguably the most impressive part of the church.The play of light streaming through the windows, particularly the one above the altar, creates an ethereal atmosphere that enhances the overall magnificence of the space.

Beautiful Place in Munich 9 Asamkirche Portal
Beautiful Place in Munich 10 Asamkirche Interiors

Asamkirche Visiting Information

Asamkirche is open daily from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm. There is no entry fee. It is a consecrated church, so you can attend Holy Masses if you’re a Catholic. Holy Mass occurs on Sundays at 10:00 am. See more information from alterpeter.de.

4. Munich Residenz

Munich’s opulent palaces are a significant draw for visitors, offering more than just architectural splendor.They are embodiments of rich cultural identities, and stepping into them is akin to journeying back in time.

This experience is particularly captivating for travelers from younger nations with shorter histories, providing them with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the deep-rooted heritage of Munich.

Beautiful Place in Munich 11 Munich Residenz
Beautiful Place in Munich 12 Munich Hofgarten in Munich Residenz

The Munich Residenz, nestled in the heart of Bavaria’s capital, is a palace of unparalleled beauty that awaits its visitors. As Germany’s largest city palace, it promises a wealth of discoveries commensurate with its grand scale.

The Residenz is a testament to pure magnificence, from its architectural prowess to the royal artifacts, from the intricate room decorations to the lush gardens. It’s a place that effortlessly stirs up fantasies of royal life.

The Residenz served as the former seat of Bavarian Royalty and was designed to leave visitors in awe. The extravagantly adorned walls and ceilings stand as proof to this intent. The palace’s elaborate design reflects its long-standing history, with influences from the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassicism periods.

Can you guess how long it has been standing? Believe it or not, it dates back more than 600 years to 1385.

Beautiful-Must-See Places in Munich Residenz

Munich Residenz is vast. If there are parts of the palace you should not miss, they are the Antiquarium, the Treasury, and the bronze hall. Herkulessaal or the New Hercules Hall is worth a mention too.


Among the places I mentioned at the Munich Residenz, the Antiquarium left the strongest impression on me. This hall stretches an impressive 69 meters in length and is adorned with exquisite Renaissance art throughout.

Statues are gracefully positioned along the sides, while paintings grace both the walls and the vaulted ceilings. The resemblance to the Sistine Chapel in Rome is striking, and I found the room to be exceptionally photogenic. To truly appreciate its beauty, I recommend standing in the center of the hall, where you can take in the remarkable proportions and recurring motifs.


The Munich Residenz Treasury will transport you straight into the heart of medieval fantasies, making it a must-visit, especially for enthusiasts of movies and TV shows set in the Middle Ages. True to its name, this treasury houses the most priceless possessions of Bavarian royalty.

You’ll be awestruck to see the actual crown worn by the kings of Bavaria, a sight of unparalleled significance. If you’ve never had the chance to lay eyes on such precious artifacts before, your visit to Munich presents a unique opportunity. Additionally, you’ll find the crown of an English Queen, the Toison of the Golden Fleece, and an array of other stunning royal articles.

The Treasury also boasts an impressive collection of ultra-expensive artworks. One noteworthy piece is the Statuette of Saint George, a 50 cm figure dating back to 1586, depicting Saint George in the act of slaying the dragon.

This exquisite statuette is adorned with gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, opals, pearls, and other precious stones, making it a true masterpiece.

Bronze Hall

The royal artifacts aren’t the only precious items you can find in Munich Residenz. You got to see the over forty bronze sculptures of mythical characters in the Bronze Hall. It has one of the richest, most prestigious collections of European Bronze art you’ll ever see.

Munich Residenz Visiting Information

You can check the official website of Munich Residenz to learn more about the palace. Are you planning to visit? All that you must know are on this page from residenz-muenchen.de. Below is the summary of the entry fee and opening hours of Munich Residenz

Section of Munich Residenz Entry Fee (Adult) in EUR
Residence Museum 9
Treasury 9
Combination ticket
Residence Museum + Treasury
Cuvilliés Theatre 5
Combination ticket
Residence Museum + Treasury + Cuvilliés Theatre
Court Garden + Fountain machinery FREE
Entry fee to different parts of Munich Residenz

Munich Residenz is open daily aside from some public holidays. The Residence Museum and the Treasury are open daily from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm (the last entry is 5:00 pm) from April 15 to October. From October 16 to March, they open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (the last entry is 4:00 pm).

5. Nymphenburg Palace

The second palace that exemplifies Munich’s beauty is Nymphenburg Palace. If Munich Residenz is where the royals reside to govern the kingdom, Nymphenburg is their sanctuary for relaxation. Dating back to the 17th century, this Baroque masterpiece ranks among Europe’s foremost royal residences.

Beautiful Place in Munich 13 Nymphenburg Palace

Were you aware that Nymphenburg Palace boasts a facade width even bigger than France’s Versailles Palace? Admiring its breathtaking frontage will indeed consume a significant amount of time, spanning approximately 700 meters or 2000 feet.

What makes Nymphenburg Palace truly remarkable is its multifaceted characteristics. It transcends being a mere palace, extending into a vast expanse of parkland both in front and behind its regal façade. Within these grounds lie enchanting canals and gardens, showcasing “royal idyllic” vistas that border on the realm of the unbelievable.

The palace grounds abound with captivating treasures waiting to be uncovered. From exquisite porcelain collections to ceremonial sleighs and other unexpected royal artifacts, Nymphenburg Palace offers a wealth of fascinating discoveries.

Within the palace compound, you’ll also find a serene lake, charming temples, and grand castle pavilions that add to its picturesque allure. A day’s worth of exploration and enjoyment within this compound is not an exaggeration, given the sheer size and multitude of attractions it encompasses.

Beautiful & Unmissable places in Nymphenburg Palace

Here is the list of unmissable places visitors should not miss in Nymphenburg Palace:

  1. Great Hall
  2. The Marstall Museum
  3. Amalienburg
  4. Badenburg & Badenburger See
  5. Schlossgartenkanal

Great Hall

The great hall stands as the most awe-inspiring aspect of Nymphenburg Palace. Interestingly, it remains an untouched gem since its original construction. When you set your eyes upon its frescoes and architectural marvels, you’ll be instantly transported to the 1700s.

The ceiling’s frescoes beautifully depict the Olympian heavens, encircled by resplendent golden Rococo stucco work. The combination of these elements creates a truly breathtaking spectacle, particularly on a radiant, sunlit day.

The Marstall Museum

Located south of Nymphenburg Palace’s central pavilion, you’ll discover the Marstall Museum. This unique museum houses an impressive collection of carriages and sleighs, including some of the most opulent and luxurious ever crafted. Among them, the golden carriage stands out as a true fairytale spectacle that simply must be seen to be believed.


Amalienburg, nestled within the park’s forest, stands as a nearby gem that simply cannot be overlooked. It represents an example of exquisite Rococo architecture within the Nymphenburg Palace complex.

The stucco embellishments adorning its halls and chambers are nothing short of breathtaking. A captivating experience awaits within the Large Salon of Amalienburg, often referred to as the Hall of Mirrors.

Situated at the heart of Amalienburg, this chamber enchants visitors with its myriad mirrors, abundant natural light from its large windows, and intricate Rococo decorations that never cease to captivate.


Nestled along the shores of Badenburger See, the largest lake in Nymphenburg Park, you’ll encounter Badenburg. Similar to Amalienburg, Badenburg showcases splendid stucco craftsmanship and ceiling frescoes that narrate tales from classical mythology with a focus on the “elements of water,” mirroring its name.

Bath Castle is the direct translation of Badenburg in English.

Beautiful Place in Munich 14 Badenburger See

Unlike Amalienburg, Badenburg sits on a lovely idyllic view beside its lake. You’ll love hanging out on the benches while observing the surroundings. The temple of Apollo is visible from the shores near Badenburg.


North of Badenburg, beyond Badenburger See, you can find the Schlossgartenkanal. It is the very long canal in the middle of the park, dividing the park into two.

Beautiful Place in Munich 15 Schlossgartenkanal Nymphenburg

Standing at the center of the canal, you’ll be treated to a perfectly symmetrical view of the park. In this picturesque view, the central hall of Nymphenburg Castle takes its place as the focal point. You can indulge in this delightful scene from either Brücke über Schlossgartenkanal or Grosse Kaskade.

The canal and the rows of trees form captivating leading lines that create a visual masterpiece reminiscent of postcard landscapes. Brücke über Schlossgartenkanal, positioned at the canal’s midpoint, and Grosse Kaskade, the artificial waterfall near the western end, offer prime vantage points.

During the summer months, visitors have the opportunity to embark on a romantic gondola ride along Schlossgartenkanal. This experience, especially when gliding past a group of graceful swans, evokes the enchanting essence of the 2004 movie “The Notebook.”

Nymphenburg Palace Visiting Information

Different parts of Nymphenburg Palace and Park have various opening hours. It goes the same with the admission fees. You can find all the exact information on the Bavarian Palace Administration website. Below is the summary:

Destination Months Week Hours
Nymphenburg Palace and Marstallmuseum – From April to October 15
– From October 16 to March
– Monday to Sunday
– Monday to Sunday
– 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
– 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Amalienburg, Badenburg – From April to October 15
– From October 16 to March
– Monday to Sunday
– Closed
– 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
– Closed
Palace Park (Main Gate) – From January to March
– From April to October
– From May to September
– From November to December
– Monday to Sunday
– Monday to Sunday
– Monday to Sunday
– Monday to Sunday
– 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
– 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
– 6:00 am to 9:30 pm
– 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
Nymphenburg Palace Opening Hours
Destination Admission Fees (Adult) in EUR
Nymphenburg Palace 8
Marstallmuseum 6
Combination ticket “Parkburgen” 5
Nymphenburg Palace Admission Fees

Teens and kids below 18 are free of charge.

6. Schleissheim Palace

Munich’s charm lies in its possession of not just one or two elegant palaces, but rather three! What’s even more astonishing is that the third palace, Schleissheim Palace, comprises three palaces within its grand complex.

Beautiful Place in Munich 15 Schleissheim Palace

Schleissheim Palace serves as the summer residence for the Bavarian Royals of the House of Wittelsbach, and it undeniably ranks among the most exquisite destinations in the Munich suburbs. Much like Nymphenburg Palace, Schleissheim boasts its own graceful gardens and captivating museums.

Its rich history traces back over 400 years, originating with William V’s construction of a Renaissance country house and hermitage near Dachau. Over time, the palace evolved, culminating in the 18th century when Zuccalli added the third palace.

Today, Schleissheim Palace is hailed as one of Bavaria’s most splendid baroque palaces, inviting visitors to revel in the grandeur and wonder of its magnificent halls, chambers, and gardens. The breadth of attractions within the complex is so extensive that exploring all three palaces may require an entire day.

  • Old Schleissheim Palace
  • Lustheim Palace
  • New Schleissheim Palace

Schleissheim Palace is also home to the State Gallery of European Baroque Painting, where visitors can immerse themselves in a rich collection of hundreds of baroque paintings. Among the treasures on display are masterpieces by renowned artists such as Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, Joachim von Sandrart, and many others.

The true gems of Schleissheim Palace are the New Palace and Lustheim Palace, offering a captivating blend of exquisite architecture and remarkable artworks.

For those seeking a deeper experience, these palaces are the perfect places to spend ample time. Moreover, the expansive garden that stretches between the two palaces provides a delightful setting for leisurely strolls and appreciation of the natural beauty surrounding them.

Lustheim Palace

Similar to Nymphenburg Palace, Schleissheim Palace’s Schleißheim Court Garden offers an Instagram-worthy experience.

The garden features picturesque canals and fountains, creating the ideal backdrop for stunning photos. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture the enchanting symmetry of the tree-lined canal, culminating in a view of Lustheim Palace at the far end.

Situated on the easternmost side of the Schleissheim complex, Lustheim Palace, dating back to the 17th century, is the second palace constructed within this extraordinary ensemble. Together with the garden, they evoke the timeless elegance of an Italian villa, gracing visitors with beauty at every turn.

Lustheim Palace serves a unique role as the Point de Vue within the baroque court garden’s architectural design, adding a fascinating dimension to its character. Step inside Lustheim Palace to encounter a grand collection of Meissen porcelain, further enriching the palace’s cultural and artistic allure.

New Schleissheim Palace

Opposite Lustheim Palace stands the New Schleissheim Palace, the grandest structure in the complex and an absolute must-see. A single glance at its expansive 300-meter wide facade is enough to captivate any visitor.

Fun fact: This majestic edifice serves as an exemplary showcase of German baroque architecture. Just like its predecessors, it boasts unparalleled beauty within its walls.

Don’t miss the chance to explore the Grand Gallery and the Grand Baroque Staircase Hall, both offering breathtaking examples of German Baroque design. The grand staircase and the four-state apartments are equally noteworthy, showcasing exquisite frescoes and intricate stucco work that defy imagination!

Indeed, selecting the most remarkable room within the New Schleissheim Palace is quite the challenge, as each one boasts its own unique marvels. When it comes to interior decor, however, two standout highlights are the Victory Hall and the Chapel of the Electress – both of which are absolute must-see attractions.

Schleissheim Palace Visiting Information

Schleissheim Palace complex has different parts, and each has various opening hours. Please check the palace’s official website if you want to know all the visiting information about the Schleissheim Palace complex. Below is the summary:

Place Month Week Hours
Schleissheim Old and New Palace, Lustheim Palace – From April to September
– From October to March
– Tuesday to Sunday
– Tuesday to Sunday
– 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
– 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Court Garden – January, February, November, December
– March, October
– April, September
– May to August
– 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
– 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
– 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
– 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Schleissheim Palace Complex Opening Hours
Place Entry Fee (Adult) in EUR
Combination ticket 10
Schleissheim Old Palace 4
Schleissheim New Palace 6
Lustheim Palace 5
Schleissheim Palace Complex Entry Fee

7. Westpark

Munich’s lush green and serene blue spaces add to the city’s allure, making it a haven for both locals and travelers alike. These areas offer free relaxation and picturesque spots for photography enthusiasts. Munich’s parks are anything but ordinary, and their uniqueness is what makes them exceptional.

Beautiful Place in Munich 17 West Park Thai Temple
Beautiful Place in Munich 18 West Park
Beautiful Place in Munich 19 Westpark Theatron

WestPark, spanning a vast 720,000 square meters of Munich’s landscape, stands as one of the city’s premier green and blue spaces, with many attractions. It’s a dynamic recreational hub, offering a plethora of discoveries for all who venture here. Some travelers even find themselves transported to Asia when exploring WestPark’s diverse offerings.

What makes WestPark so universally appealing is its capacity to cater to everyone’s tastes.

If you’re traveling with children, the playground and summertime water games are perfect for family fun, while winter offers the thrill of tobogganing down the artificial hills.

Art enthusiasts and curious wanderers will be captivated by the park’s artistic fountains and sculptures, such as the Japanese-style “Good Day Fountain” and the kinetic art of the “Spherical Fountain.” Don’t miss the 17th-century historic farmhouse, “Bayerwaldhaus,” complete with a traditional garden.

WestPark’s Asian enclaves offer an exotic escape, with structures inspired by Thailand, Nepal, China, and Japan, making it a cultural delight for seekers of diverse experiences. Lucky visitors might even catch cultural events like the Buddhist Vesakh festival in May, “Kino, Mond und Sterne” open-air cinema nights, or the Musical Wine Festival.

Foodies, too, will rejoice in WestPark’s offerings, with its beer gardens and cafes adorning the shores of the picturesque Mollsee (artificial lake). The delectable cuisine perfectly complements the scenic views. Notably, Wirtshaus am Rosengarten is a renowned restaurant here, serving Bavarian specialties like Kaiserschmarrn that will tantalize your taste buds.

West Park Visiting Information

You can visit WestPark anytime you want. It is open for everyone 24 hours, 7 days a week.

8. English Garden

I can’t claim it’s “more beautiful,” but Munich’s English Garden is undeniably vast and renowned, standing as one of the city’s most extensive parks. Surprisingly, it surpasses even New York’s Central Park in size, covering an impressive 375 hectares (910 acres). It proudly ranks among the largest inner-city or urban parks globally.

Beautiful Place in Munich 20 English Garden
Beautiful Place in Munich 21 English Garden Lake

Munich’s English Garden boasts approximately 78 kilometers of cycling and jogging paths. If it’s not winter, you’ll likely spot many amateurs and athletes practicing their sports in addition to triathlons.

But it’s not just a serene setting of green fields and trees. You’ll also find unexpected attractions and adventures to explore. For instance, surfers can catch waves in the park’s streams, while thrill-seekers can try balancing on a tightrope between trees.

One particularly popular attraction is Eisbachwelle, which is home to a year-round surfing hotspot on the Eisbach River. Fun fact. Well, I’m not sure if this is a fan fact, but… did you know that the English Garden is one of the places in Germany where people can take a bath without their clothes?

It’s been legal since the 1960s, and it’s one of the reasons why this park is famous even outside the country. In addition to this unique attraction, there are several other must-see sights and experiences to discover in the English Garden.

  • Eisbachwelle
  • Monopteros
  • Japanese Teahouse
  • Chinese Tower
Beautiful Place in Munich 22 English Garden People


English Garden forms a vertical stripe on the map. You can find the three attractions I mentioned in the southern part of the park (also the most visited by the crowd). Among them, Eisbachwelle is the easiest you to get to.

Beautiful Place in Munich 23 Eisbachwelle

The Eisbachwelle is located in the southernmost part of the English Garden, and it’s just a quick stroll away from the National Museum bus stop and tram station.

If you want to see some impressive surfing, you can watch from either the bridge or the riverbank alongside other spectators. However, it’s important to note that a law was passed in 2010 which only allows experienced surfers to ride the waves at Eisbach. Additionally, swimming or bathing in the water is not permitted, as it’s usually quite cold.

Japanese Teahouse

The Japanese teahouse is just a short walk away from Eisbachwelle. It’s located on a beautiful island in a beautifully landscaped Japanese-style garden lake, reminiscent of those found in Japan. If you visit during certain months, you may have the opportunity to witness traditional tea ceremonies.

Check out urasenke-muenchen.de to learn more.

Even when there are no ceremonies taking place, the teahouse and its surroundings offer a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Take a seat on one of the benches surrounding the lake and watch the swans swim and play. The setting is particularly enchanting during spring when the cherry blossoms on the island where the teahouse is located are in full bloom.


To the north of the Japanese teahouse, you can find a wide-open field picnic ground. Here you can spot Monopteros, a 19th-century Greek temple built for Ludwig the first. This temple stands on a small hill… thus, you can see it right away, even from the middle of the picnic area.

Beautiful Place in Munich 24 Monopteros

Perched atop a hill, Monopteros offers sweeping vistas of the park and cityscape. From the temple, you can admire Munich’s skyline, including the soaring church towers and other landmarks. Although it can get quite busy, Monopteros is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Munich to witness a picturesque sunset.

Chinese Tower

A mere stone’s throw away from Monopteros lies the parkland plaza, home to the eye-catching Chinese tower. Here, you’ll find a variety of beer gardens and cafes, perfect for refueling after a leisurely walk through the English Garden.

To find out more about the opening times and seasons of the restaurants at the site, check out chinaturm.de.

Beautiful Place in Munich 25 Chinese Tower in English Garden

While the Chinese Tower in Munich may not have the same grandeur or vibrant colors as traditional Chinese pagodas, this wooden structure with five tiers is certainly one-of-a-kind in Europe.

9. BMW Welt

With its mix of natural, cultural, and modern attractions, Munich is a city that give beautiful experiences that’s perfect for many travelers. Munich is a “worthy” travel package deal, not to mention the stunning day trips you can do from the city.

Beautiful Place in Munich 27 BMW Welt
Beautiful Place in Munich 28 BWM Welt

If you’re on the hunt for a top-notch modern tourist attraction in Munich, there’s one that should definitely be on your list: the BMW Welt. As its name implies, this is the ultimate destination for BMW fans. It’s an exhibition site, event venue, and adventure museum all in one, with plenty of “cool” things to explore.

Surprisingly, BMW Welt actually has more visitors than the world-renowned Neuschwanstein Castle, making it the top tourist spot in all of Bavaria. In fact, during its first year of operation, BMW Welt welcomed over 2.2 million visitors!

However, it’s important to note that BMW Welt is actually a separate attraction from the BMW Museum. Additionally, there’s a BMW factory on site, but it’s only open to visitors on weekends.

From the outside in, BMW Welt is truly something special. Its unique architecture is sure to leave an impression on anyone passing by or stopping in for a visit. And speaking of impressive buildings, BMW’s main office is located right nearby and is equally stunning!

But let’s be real, the main attraction at BMW Welt is the incredible cars they create and sell. To put it simply, BMW Welt is like a massive car show that allows you to view all the fancy vehicles that the company has produced. They also showcase their plans for the future, displaying their futuristic car designs that are currently in the works.

Inside BMW Welt, you can also find luxury BMW cars on display. These cars are not just promoted for their luxury, but also for their added touch of creativity and emotion. Visitors can expect to see a diverse range of BMWs, from Mini to Rolls-Royce motor cars, and even the BMW iX.

If you’re a car lover and a fan of BMW, then you’re going to be in heaven here! You’ll get to experience BMW production models up close and personal, and if you want to take things a step further, you can even rent one of their cars for just 75 EUR per hour and take it for a spin on your own.

Beautiful Place in Munich 26 BMW Welt

BMW Welt Visiting Information

If you’re planning to visit BMW Welt, you should check their hours of operation. They’re open from Monday to Saturday, but the vehicles are only attended starting at 9:00 am until 6:00 pm.

You can visit BMW Welt for free, but if you want to go to the BMW Museum, there’s an entry fee. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm, and the last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. Don’t forget to keep an eye on bmw-welt.de for any schedule changes!

10. Olympiapark

Munich is a beautiful city that seamlessly blends modern architecture with nature to create a futuristic oasis. The perfect example of this is Olympiapark, which was built in the mid-late 1900s for the 1972 Summer Olympics and has since become a center for cultural, social, and religious events.

With an impressive 85-hectare expanse, this park offers visitors a tranquil lake, vast green spaces, and numerous leisure activities. Olympiapark also boasts top-notch sports facilities and event centers. For a unique experience, make sure to visit Sea Life – the giant aquarium that houses a staggering 3,000 animals across 260 marine species.

And, if you’re an architecture enthusiast, you’ll surely be impressed by the sports buildings, especially the Olympic stadium with its distinctive tent roof. Be sure to head to the top of the Olympic tower for panoramic views of the entire park!

At a towering height of 291 meters, the Olympic Tower in Olympiapark is Munich’s tallest building. Take an exhilarating climb to the observation deck, which sits 190 meters above the ground, and enjoy a breathtaking view of the city and surrounding areas. Looking to impress your date?

Check out the revolving restaurant on the top floor. From the observation deck, visitors can also spot the massive Olympic Hall, which can hold up to 15,500 spectators. The Olympic Hall is home to international artists’ concerts, world-class performances, and high-class sports events.

To stay informed about upcoming events at Olympiapark, head to olympiapark.de. Remember to review the announcements and requirements before making your way to the park!

While Olympic hall doesn’t host events on a daily basis, there are still plenty of activities to enjoy in Munich’s Olympiapark. If you have some extra time to spare, why not give mini-golf a try, rent a boat, or go inline skating? You can even take a dip in an Olympic-sized pool!

Beautiful Place in Munich 29 Olympic Park Architecture
Beautiful Place in Munich 31 Olympic Park Fields
Beautiful Place in Munich 31 Olympic Park Golden hour

Are you looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure in Olympiapark Munich? Look no further, as the park has got you covered. Take a guided tour and climb the roof of the famous Olympic stadium. And if that’s not enough, you can ride the zip line all the way back to the ground!

Olympiapark Visiting Information

Olympiapark has various opening hours for different attractions in the park.

They update the schedule frequently, so it is better to see the timetables from their website (olympiapark.de). Entry fees for the different places in the park are also indicated on the page.

Best Time to Visit Munich

If you’re planning a trip to Munich, it’s essential to choose the right time of year to ensure a truly enjoyable and memorable experience.

When to Go (And When Not)

The ideal time to visit Munich is during the transitional seasons of spring and fall, specifically from March to June and September to October. These months offer a pleasant climate, perfect for exploring the city’s many attractions.

If you’re visiting in spring, you’ll be just in time for the start of beer-garden season. And if you plan your visit in fall, you might get a chance to join in on the city’s biggest beer event – Oktoberfest.

While Munich is a city that can be enjoyed in most part of the year, it’s generally recommended to avoid visiting between January and March. The weather during these months can be quite harsh, which might put a damper on your sightseeing plans.

However, if you’re not bothered by colder temperatures and are interested in exploring Christmas markets and museums, November to February could be an interesting time for you.

Events Worth Attending

Munich hosts a variety of events throughout the year.

If you’re visiting in October, don’t miss out on Oktoberfest and the traditional costume run during the München-Marathon.

Literature enthusiasts should plan their visit in November to attend the Literature Festival.

In December, Munich transforms into a winter wonderland with its Christmas markets.

For sports enthusiasts, January offers wonderful winter walks and ice-skating opportunities.

If you’re visiting in February, you can experience Carnival and enjoy traditional lard pastry.

March marks the beginning of spring and Starkbierfest, while April brings Frühlingsfest and flea markets.

For more information, check out Munich’s Calendar of Events.

How to Get to Munich

Munich is a city that’s easily accessible by various modes of transportation.

Whether you’re flying in or using public transportation from other cities, getting to Munich is straightforward and convenient. Munich is served by the Munich International Airport, the second busiest in Germany and among the top ten in Europe. It’s an international hub that welcomes flights from all over the world.

Once you land at Munich International Airport, you have several options to reach the city center:

  • S-Bahn (Suburban train): The S1 or S8 lines will take you from the airport to the main station or other city center stations like Marienplatz. The journey takes about 35 to 40 minutes and trains run from 4 am to 1:44 am.
  • Taxi: Taxis are readily available at the airport. This option is pricier but more convenient, costing around 70€ for a 45-minute ride.
  • Lufthansa Express Bus: This bus service runs every 15 minutes and takes you directly from the airport to the main train station in about 45 minutes.

If you’re coming from another city, Munich is just a train or bus ride away:

  • By Train: The Hauptbahnhof (main station) is where international trains from all over Europe arrive.
  • By Bus: ZOB Munich, one of Germany’s most modern coach stations, offers direct access to a network of destinations throughout Germany and Europe.
  • By Regional Train: Since 2018, it’s also possible to reach the airport from eastern Bavaria by regional train. The Flughafen Express runs between Regensburg and Munich Airport with several stops in between.

Where to Stay in Munich

If you are looking for a place to stay in Munich, here are the top 3 areas to stay in Munich along with their pros and cons: Old Town, Maxvorstadt, and Schwabing. You can find the best hotel deals in Munich here.

Altstadt (Old Town), the historical heart of Munich, is a great choice for first-time visitors.


  • You’ll be within walking distance of major tourist sites like Marienplatz, the New Town Hall, Munich Residence, and Hofbräuhaus.
  • The area is bustling with cafes, restaurants, shops, and attractions.


  • It’s not the most budget-friendly area in Munich.
  • It can get quite crowded due to its popularity among tourists.

Maxvorstadt is a lively neighborhood close to the university and filled with museums and art galleries.


  • It’s perfect for those who love a bit of adventure.
  • The area boasts excellent public transit connections and a variety of restaurants and bars.


  • It might not be as vibrant as Altstadt or Schwabing.
  • Accommodation prices can spike during peak seasons.

Schwabing is often dubbed as the city’s coolest area.


  • It’s a trendy neighborhood that’s both bohemian and upscale.
  • The area is packed with restaurants, bars, and cafes.


  • Rent prices have increased significantly over the past decade.
  • It might be a bit far from some of the main tourist attractions.

Getting Around in Munich

Like in many European cities, navigating Munich is a breeze thanks to its well-connected and user-friendly transportation system.

Here’s what you need to know:

Best Way to Get Around

The most efficient way to explore Munich is by using its public transportation system. This includes the U-Bahn (subway), the S-Bahn (trains), buses, and trams. These services connect all corners of the city, making it easy for you to get where you need to go.

Tickets are interchangeable across these modes of transport within certain time frames. If you’re planning more than two single trips in a day, a day ticket is a cost-effective option. For longer stays, consider the IsarCard, which is valid for a week or a month.

If you only plan to use public transport sporadically during your trip, a stripe ticket could be your best bet.

Is Renting a Car Necessary?

In most cases, renting a car in Munich isn’t necessary. Much of Munich’s old town and city center is pedestrian-friendly, so you’ll likely find yourself exploring on foot and public transport. Most of the city’s attractions are located within the central zone, known as Zone M.

However, if you’re planning to venture beyond Munich and explore the more rural areas in southern Germany, renting a car could be a good idea. car gives you the flexibility to manage your time, reach places faster, and make impromptu stops along the way.

It’s not hard to understand why Munich is worth visiting with all the beautiful places in it. Munich is a must-add to your southern Germany itinerary (trip to the Bavarian Alps) because of them!

I recommend checking out the links (affiliate) I shared below if you plan to travel to Munich. They should make your trip to Munich much more convenient! Some of them can also be insightful about the city’s culture, history, and many more.

  1. Munich Hop-On Hop-Off Tour: 1-Day or 2-Day Ticket. Skip the complicated hassle of commuting from one tourist attraction to another. With the Hop-On Hop-Off bus, you can quickly get to the different destinations in Munich, even without looking at the map! The bus is a double-decker, and sightseeing in Munich’s best landmarks can never be so fun without it. Learn more about this package from GetYourGuide.com.
  2. CityTourCard Munich. Are you going to places in Munich not covered with the Hop-On and Hop-Off bus routes? Have this card to get free public transportation in Munich for 1 to 6 days! You also get discounts on different museums around the city. Check the previous link or this link to GetYourGuide to learn more.
  3. Airport Transfer by Bus. A convenient way of getting to the city from Munich airport. The bus departs every 15 minutes, available all week.
  4. Discover All Guided Tours. This link will show you all the best tours in Munich. The guides will help you visit all the best attractions in the city while learning their history, etc.

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