Why You Should Visit Reims: 10 Amazing Things to Do in Reims

I love watching movies about the medieval times, so I’m always curious about the places where the old kings and queens lived and ruled. When I found out that Reims was the coronation site of the French kings and queens, I was hooked.

And after exploring this city for myself, I was blown away. While Reims isn’t as big as Paris or Lyon, this city has remarkable heritage sites, a lot of history to discover, and art to see. And the art? Well, it varies from stunning architectural landmarks to the art of making wines. Reims offers a blend of experiences worthwhile for people looking for a unique trip to France.

If you’re wondering if Reims is your cup of tea, this post will help you decide if it deserves a spot in your itinerary or not. I have some amazing things to show you that I discovered in Reims that make it a fantastic place to visit.

Let’s be honest, we all have our own travel preferences. Some of us crave adventure, while others have a soft spot for museums, and then there are those who yearn for beach getaways.

Reims might not be everyone’s first choice, but it’s home to four UNESCO heritage sites—Notre Dame Cathedral, Palais du Tau, Saint Remi Abbey, and the Champagne region—making it a place worth exploring. At the same time, while it might not have the same jaw-dropping beauty as Paris, Reims offers enotourism that can provide the unique experience you’ve been seeking.

Reims France, Portal Decorations Notre Dame Cathedral

Ever heard of enotourism?

It’s a type of tourism that revolves around visiting wineries, touring vineyards, and wine tasting. Reims, being one of the main production centers for Champagne wines, offers a plethora of enotourism experiences. This, along with its rich historical and cultural attractions, makes Reims an ideal destination for couples seeking a unique and slightly off-the-beaten-path romantic getaway.

Plus, it’s not far from Paris.

Despite the undeniable beauty of the French capital, known as the ultimate destination for perfect dates and intimate honeymoons, Reims offers a more affordable alternative with its blend of country and city vibes.

Reims can also be a delightful destination for those who appreciate museums, art and architecture, and are fascinated by history. If you’re planning an extensive trip to eastern France, Reims is a must-visit spot on your itinerary.

Reims France, Portal Decorations Notre Dame Cathedral

And if you want to visit Reims now, you can see the best hotel deals in Reims here.

Reims France,  Lower Notre Dame Cathedral

Here’s a list of tours in Reims to make your trip to Reims convenient and insightful.

1. Notre Dame Cathedral

Traveling can fill you with awe, and that’s a wonderful thing. Awe can boost your mood, your well-being, and even your immune system. You’ll definitely feel it when you see the Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims. It’s a magnificent church that stands out among the others in France, and it has a lot of stories to tell.

Reims France, Notre Dame Cathedral

I even think that Reims Cathedral is way more beautiful than Notre-Dame Paris. Just look at the amazing details on the outside and the inside of the church. The spires, the windows, the facade, the portals – they’re all breathtaking.

Reims Cathedral is not just a pretty sight, it’s also a very important place in French history. It’s where many kings were crowned in the 12th century.

Reims France, Notre Dame Cathedral Tympanum

For more than 500 years, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims hosted the coronation of the French kings. The last ceremony was during Charles X’s ascension in 1825.

Reims France, Notre Dame Cathedral Portal

The sheer beauty of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims alone can stimulate the visitor’s imagination to picture the coronation ceremonies that happened in it. No wonder why Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1991.

Reims France, Lpper part of Notre Dame Cathedral lightshow

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims is one of the most notable gigantic structures, especially when it was built. Its two towers soar at 82 meters (266 feet), dominating the city’s skyline even now.

Reims France, Lower part of Notre Dame Cathedral light show

Do not forget to come inside Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims when you visit Reims! The stained glass of the apse and the rose windows burst with colors; they are so good to see.

Visitors can also climb to the roofdeck of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims. It will give you a breathtaking perspective of the cathedral’s upper architectural details. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims is open every day, usually from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. The entry fee is 8 EUR per adult.

See conditions for free admission and the latest announcements from the cathedral’s website.

Reims France, Inside Notre Dame Cathedral

If you’re searching for historically religious places, one you should check is Avignon. It was once the home of the popes, and the place where they resided is the largest gothic palace in Europe.

2. Palais du Tau 

Right next to Reims Cathedral, you’ll find Palais du Tau, another UNESCO Heritage site and a great reason to visit Reims.

It’s a palace that was also connected to the kings’ coronation, just like the cathedral. It has a lot of interesting things to see inside, like the royal treasury and the banquet hall.

Palais du Tau is a palace with a long and rich history. It started out as a Roman villa in the 6th century, and then it became the home of the archbishop of Reims in the middle ages. It was also where the French kings prepared for their coronation in the nearby cathedral.

Inside, you can imagine how they felt, getting ready to become the rulers of France. And after they were crowned, they celebrated with a lavish feast in the palace with their guests.

Palais du Tau is a UNESCO Heritage site, just like the cathedral, because of its significance in French history.

Reims France, Palais du Tau

To be in such a historical place as Palais du Tau is a privilege. But, what really makes Palais du Tau a reason to visit Reims are the items exhibited in the palace.

Palais du Tau is full of treasures from the past. You can see some amazing 15th-century tapestries that show the stories of King Clovis, the Song of Songs, and the Life of the Virgin. They are like windows to the medieval times, when the French people were very religious.

But the most impressive things are the royal treasury artifacts in Palais du Tau. They are some of the most rare and valuable objects in France, and they are definitely worth seeing in Reims. One of them is Charlemagne’s talisman from the 9th century. It’s a very old and precious piece of jewelry that could make anyone instantly rich if they sell it.

Another one is the chalice of Saint Remi from the 12th century. It’s a beautiful golden cup with sparkling stones and fine details. It’s one of the most royal things you can ever find. And the most important one is the Holy Flask. It’s a very historic object, because it has the holy oil that was used to crown the new kings.

The last time I checked the official website of Palais du Tau, the admission fee was 8 EUR/adult (free for 18 and below). It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9:45 am to 6:15 pm from June 16 to September 8; 9:30 am to 5:30 pm from September 9 to May 5.  Palais du Tau is closed during lunchtime (12:30 pm to 2:00 pm). Come 30 minutes before evening and lunch closing time.

3. Old Saint Remi Abbey

Saint Remi Abbey is a great place to experience the ‘character’ of Reims. It’s a city of art and history, and you can see that in this abbey. It has a stunning cathedral from the 11th century and an art museum with many treasures.

Old Saint Remi is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, like Reims Cathedral and Palais du Tau. If you’re a fan of architecture, art, and history, you’ll enjoy Saint Remi Abbey. It’s a must-see in Reims.

Reims France, Saint Remi Basilica

Cathedral of Saint Remi

Compared to the stunning Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims, the Saint Remi Abbey may seem less spectacular, but it is still a marvel of architecture. As the largest Romanesque church in northern France, it is a sight to behold.

The church was consecrated in 1049 in the Romanesque style, but it was modified and enhanced in later centuries, adding some features from the Gothic style.

Reims France, Saint Remi Basilica chandelier and interiors

Today, we can see the Cathedral with a mix of architectural styles resulting from those improvements. The perfect proportions of the vaults, the lighting effects, and the kaleidoscopic rose and stained glass windows will compel you to take photos.

The tomb of Saint Remi inside the cathedral makes a visit to the Cathedral of Saint Remi worth it. Elaborated with sculptures and relief decorations, it is one of the most beautiful tombs I’ve ever seen.

Reims France, Saint Remi Basilica apse light effects and stained glass

Did you know that Saint Remi is a very special saint for Reims? He became an archbishop very young, at 22. He had a big role in French history, because he baptized King Clovis, the first king of France. His cathedral is a historical treasure because of that.

Reims France, Saint Remi Basilica tomb of Saint Remi

You’ll feel a chill when you see the tomb of Saint Remi that looks so solemn. It’s in the back of the altar, and it’s surrounded by these amazing windows full of colors. It’s like being in a holy rainbow. But it’s not as overwhelming as Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.

Reims France, Saint Remi Basilica south portal

When you visit, don’t miss going to Place Lenoncourt to see the south facade of the Cathedral of Saint Remi. The facade has an ornate portal awaiting you. It has a tympanum heavily adorned with gothic elements.

And if you plan to stay in Reims for a night on a Friday, you may want to see the Cathedral of Saint Remi from 10:45 pm to 11:00 pm. There is a light show on the facade of the church you can watch for free.

Learn the exact dates from the tourism website of Reims.

Reims France, Behind Saint Remi Basilica

You know what? Reims is not the only place where you can see a cool light show at night. Lyon has a whole festival for it! It’s called the Festival of Lights, and it’s amazing!

Musée Saint-Remi

You should check out the Musée Saint-Remi. It’s an art museum in an old abbey, right next to the cathedral. It has some cool stuff from the past, like military and archeological artifacts.

If you want to learn about the history of Reims, this is the place to go. The museum will show you how people lived from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, to the Gallic civilizations, to the middle ages in Reims. You can see their furniture, jewelry, weapons, glasswork, sculptures, and more.

The Cathedral of Saint Remi doesn’t cost anything to enter, but the museum is 5 EUR per person. You can check out the Museums in Reims website or the Reims Tourism website for more details. The museum is only open from Tuesday to Sunday, and it has a lunch break from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. The rest of the time, it’s open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. 

4. Reims’ Champagne Region

For a long time, there were only three UNESCO Heritage Site in Reims: the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Palace of Tau, and the Abbey of Saint-Remi.

But in 2015, they added a new one: the Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars. This is where they make the famous sparkling wine that bears the name of the region. It’s a fascinating place to see how champagne is produced and stored. It’s one more reason to visit Reims!

Reims France, Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars

I knew about champagne (as a drink)… even before I wrote this post. It’s a type of sparkling wine that people drink at special occasions. I learned that champagnes are different from other wines because they use a special method to make them.

But I have a confession to make: I had no idea that Champagne was also a place in France. *Laughing at myself* I guess it makes sense that Champagne wines come from Champagne, that’s why they have the same name.

So, by the way, where is Champagne? It is a wine-making region in northeastern France, in which Reims is one of the commercial centers. The Champagne region is located southeast of Reims, only 30 minutes from the city center by car.

Reims France, Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars

There are other places in the world where they make wine and have UNESCO World Heritage status. One of them is the Lavaux region in Switzerland. It’s between Geneva and Montreux.

But the Champagne region is special because of the people who live there. They have a long tradition and a lot of knowledge about how to make champagne. They use a special method that makes their wine different from others. To me, it’s a reason why you should visit Reims and see the hillsides, houses, and cellars where they make champagne.

Reims France, Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars

The heritage preserved and encompassed by UNESCO status is extensive, and it can be seen in several properties in the Champagne region. That is why Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars are grouped into representative ensembles: Saint-Nicaise hill, Avenue de Champagne, and Historic slopes.

Overall, the ensembles cover 1,100 hectares of land in the Marne département in the Champagne-Ardenne Region. There you’ll find the complete representation of the champagne production chain, from the vineyards to the cellars.

Reims France, Champagne Hillsides, Houses, and Cellars

You’ll love exploring the area, where you can admire the stunning Château des Crayères and la Villa Demoiselle, the homes of the Champagne house managers. There you’ll see the press houses where the grapes are squeezed, and visit the places where wine growers, cooperatives, and Champagne houses make their magic. There’s so much to see, discover and learn!

Since Champagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars are relatively new attractions, they can be the “unique” trip you can take in France. You can learn more about this UNESCO heritage site from its official website.

5. Wine Tasting and Excursions

Champagne is a world-famous drink, but do you know where it comes from and how it is made?

If you are curious, you should visit Reims and the rest of the Champagne region, where you can explore the stunning landscapes of vineyards, houses, and cellars that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You have many options to discover this area, depending on your preferences and budget. You can plan your own itinerary, or you can join one of the many tours and guides offered by the local tourism website or other providers.

The thing is that Reims’ enotourism is not just about wandering around the vineyards and tasting wines. It is also about learning the stories and secrets behind the production of champagne. You can visit different bars, houses, and cellars where you can sample different varieties of champagne.

You can also meet the winegrowers who make this drink possible, or even experience their work firsthand by becoming a grape-picker or a winegrower for a day. Reims offers a unique and unforgettable experience for anyone who loves champagne or wants to learn more about it.

The most exciting attractions and tours offered by the tourism office are the Verzenay Lighthouse and the vintage tour company.

Reims France, Verzenay

If you’re an Instagram influencer, you absolutely must visit the Verzenay Lighthouse. The lighthouse, along with the surrounding vineyards, provides a perfect setting for a photo that’s sure to garner plenty of likes!

But there’s more to it than just photo opportunities. Inside the lighthouse, you’ll find a cutting-edge audiovisual and scenographic system that offers fascinating insights into the world of wine-making.

Reims France, Verzenay Lighthouse

Looking for a unique tour of the surrounding vineyards in Epernay? Consider trying out the Vintage Tour Company. They offer a one-of-a-kind journey from Reims to Epernay, the heart of the Champagne region, aboard a classic French vehicle from the ’80s.

The tour includes stops at the most scenic parts of the vineyard. Imagine raising a glass and saying ‘cheers’ amidst such breathtaking views! It’s truly a memorable way to experience the beauty of the French countryside.

Want to discover more enotourism activities in Reims? You can check these tours to/from Champagne/Reims from my trusted travel partner:

6. Museum of Fine Arts

Reims, often called the ‘City of Arts and History’, goes all out to keep French heritage alive and well. And it’s not just about the UNESCO Heritage Sites — there’s also a wealth of artworks and masterpieces to discover. While they might not be as well-known as the ones in Paris, they’re sure to make your trip worthwhile in Reims.

You’ll find several museums in Reims, but the Museum of Fine Arts? Now that’s something special. It’s worth a trip to Reims all on its own! From what I’ve seen, it covers all the main European art movements from the 16th to 20th centuries.

The best part? The exhibits are arranged in chronological order. It gives you a real sense of how human civilization has shaped artistic expression over the centuries. For me, the sheer volume of over 20,000 artworks makes Reims a destination you can’t miss in northern/eastern France.

The Museum of Fine Arts in Reims is a real feast for the eyes, with a collection that spans paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, objets d’art, and even antique furniture. And the diversity is amazing — alongside French artists, you’ll find works by Dutch and Flemish artists too!

You can learn more about the Museum of Fine Arts in Reims and other museums in the city from the official website of the museums in Reims. There you can find the opening hours and entry fee of each museum in Reims also.

7. Art Deco Buildings

It’s amazing to think that we can still see the stunning heritage sites in Reims in person, isn’t it? But did you know that Reims is in a region that was heavily bombed during the World Wars?

It’s hard to imagine, but these conflicts almost wiped Reims off the map, with nearly 85% of the buildings destroyed. The city’s entire heritage was on the verge of disappearing. Even the iconic Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims wasn’t spared. But from the ashes, the city rose again, rebuilt in a style that originated in France — the Arts Décoratifs, or as we know it, Art Deco.

In the years following its recovery from the war, Reims earned itself the title of France’s Art Deco capital. Today, it boasts a number of renowned Art Deco buildings that are well worth a visit. You’ll find Art Deco structures all over the place, but in Reims, you’ll encounter some of the best representations of this architectural style.

If you’re not familiar with Art Deco, let me share Britannica’s definition with you:

“The characteristic features of Art Deco reflect admiration for the modernity of the machine and for the inherent design qualities of machine-made objects—e.g., relative simplicity, planarity, symmetry, and unvaried repetition of elements. Art Deco objects often showcase simple, clean shapes, usually with a “streamlined” look; ornament that is geometric or stylized from representational forms such as florals, animals, and sun rays; and use of man-made substances, including plastics, vita-glass, and reinforced concrete, often combined with such natural materials as jade, silver, ivory, and chrome.”


Planning a visit to Reims for some Art Deco sightseeing? There are two buildings that should definitely be on your list. Make sure to check out the Bibliothèque Carnegie, or the Carnegie Library of Reims. And don’t forget to stop by Les Halles du Boulingrin, a popular market.

There’s no shortage of Art Deco buildings in Reims, especially along Boulevard Foch and Cours Jean-Baptiste Langlet. But if I had to pick one must-see spot, it would be the Carnegie Library of Reims. This library, which hails from the 1920s, is a shining example of Reims’ Art Deco elegance. It serves as the main library of Reims and is even listed in the French Inventory of Historical Monuments.

From a distance, it might look like an ordinary building, but as you approach, you’ll be able to appreciate the stunning details that set it apart.

Reims France, Carnegie Library architecture

Before entering the door, you should see its windows with eye-catching circular designs and beautiful mosaic patterns running above the entrance. Come inside, and a vibrant chandelier in Art Deco style will welcome you.

Reims France, Carnegie Library Chandelier

Have some quiet time in the reading room while admiring its exquisite windows.

The windows and the massive glass roof, crafted by Jacques Gruber, are designed to give you a sense of being in a ‘temple’. And chances are, you’ll feel it. After all, the architect of the Carnegie Library, Max Sainsaulieu, envisioned the library as a temple dedicated to knowledge.

Bibliothèque Carnegie is open Tuesday to Saturday:

  • On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, it is open from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm (1:00 pm to 2:00 pm lunch break)
  • On Thursdays, it opens at 2:00 pm and closes at 7:00 pm.

Before you come, be sure to check for announcements from the website of the libraries in Reims. The site is in French, so you will need a browser capable of translation to read in English.

There’s no denying the elegance of Art Deco architecture. But have you seen the houses in Colmar in the Alsace Region? It’s like something out of a storybook! With its enchanting half-timbered houses, quaint cobblestone lanes, and majestic castles, it offers one of the most magical escapism experiences you could imagine.

8. Porte Mars

Remember how we talked about Reims being almost completely destroyed during the war? Well, not everything was lost. Some parts of the city’s heritage survived, were repaired, and are now carefully preserved. The UNESCO heritage sites are prime examples.

But did you know there’s a monument in Reims that’s even older than the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims? It’s called Porte Mars, an ancient Roman triumphal arch from the 3rd century. It’s an incredible piece of history that makes a visit to Reims even more worthwhile, especially if you’re into architecture.

Reims France, Porte Mars

The Porte Mars is quite the spectacle, towering at 13 meters high and stretching 32 meters long. These dimensions make it one of the broadest arches ever built during the Roman era. It may appear a bit crumbly now, but there’s no denying its allure, particularly its embellishments.

The intricate relief sculptures on Porte Mars depict angels, symbols, flowers, and what seem to be faces of Roman emperors. It’s like stepping into a time machine and being whisked back to the classical era.

You can find Porte Mars in a lovely park in Reims, southeast of the train station. In the park, you’ll also find the landmark of Reims, where you can take photos/selfies as your photo souvenir. 

9. Foujita Chapel

To be honest, if you’re just looking at the physical appearance, the attractions in Reims might not seem that unique. You can find similar landmarks all over France. But what sets Reims apart is the rich history that’s woven into these attractions. Sure, they’re beautiful to look at, but it’s their historical significance that really makes them stand out.

However, if there’s one attraction in Reims that’s truly unique, though, it has to be the Foujita Chapel.

Reims France, Foujita Chapel

The Foujita Chapel, also known as Our Lady of Peace Chapel, is another historical monument in Reims that’s worth a visit. It might not have the same grandeur as the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims, but trust me, what’s inside is a treasure you won’t find anywhere else.

Among all the attractions I’ve mentioned, the Foujita Chapel is the only one that’s not entirely European. Judging by the name, you can probably guess where the builder of the chapel hailed from — yep, Japan!

The Foujita Chapel, or Our Lady of Peace Chapel as it’s also known, was the brainchild of Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita. This French-Japanese artist was known for his innovative approach to art, combining Japanese ink techniques with western-style paintings.

His work took him all over the globe, from Latin America to France and Japan. And along the way, he rubbed shoulders with some pretty famous artists — we’re talking Juan Gris, Pablo Picasso, and Henri Matisse!

When Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita came back to France in 1959, he didn’t just return — he fully embraced his new home. He became a French citizen and was baptized into Catholicism at none other than the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims. He chose to spend the rest of his life in Reims, where he completed his final major work, the Foujita Chapel.

Reims France, Foujita Chapel Stained upper stained glass

Everything from the reliefs to the stained glass windows, iron works, and sculptures… they all came from Foujita’s vision. But the real showstopper? The frescoes. They’re what really put the chapel on the map.

Reims France, Foujita Chapel lower stained glass

I’ve had the chance to see a lot of frescoes in various European palaces and churches. But let me tell you, the frescoes in the Foujita Chapel are in a league of their own. You can really see the influence of Japanese art in the details, like the eyes and mustaches of the characters in the murals.

The murals themselves are a sight to behold, depicting everything from biblical scenes to daily life in Reims with the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, and even the resurrection of Jesus. And get this – Foujita even created his own rendition of the Last Supper for his chapel.

Reims France, Foujita Chapel murals

For me, Foujita Chapel is an excellent reason to visit Reims, and you better not miss it on your trip to France if you love art!

Reims France, Foujita Chapel murals

According to the official website of Reims Museums, you can visit Foujita Chapel with the Museum of Fine Arts for only 5 EUR/adult. It is open daily (closed on Tuesdays) from May 2 to September 30, from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm (closed from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm lunch break).

Fun fact! Did you know that Strasbourg, the city to the east of Reims, is also full of intriguing and unique attractions? Take the Vodou Museum, for example.

10. Les Faux de Verzy

I’m a big fan of exploring historical places, which is why I find Reims so captivating and worth a visit. But I’m also a nature lover at heart. And guess what? Reims has something for us nature enthusiasts too! And no, it’s not just about the wines and the picturesque vineyards. It’s about a magical forest in Verzy, just a 25-minute drive (about 21 kilometers) from the heart of Reims.

Reims France, Les Faux de Verzy

The forest of Verzy, also known as the Faux de Verzy national forest, is home to nearly a thousand of the most unusual trees you’ll ever come across. They’re called dwarf beeches, and this forest has the highest concentration of them. Fun fact — the Faux de Verzy national forest is considered the world’s main reserve of dwarf beeches, with over 1000 of these unique trees!

Reims France, Les Faux de Verzy

Dwarf beeches have this eerie vibe because of their unique look. Their twisted branches, often covered in moss, seem like something out of a fairy tale. They remind me of the kind of trees you’d see surrounding a castle or the home of a mysterious sorcerer in a fantasy movie.

Even though they might seem a bit spooky, like they could reach out and grab you at any moment, I think these trees are one of nature’s wonders. Every time you snap a photo, it’s like they’re telling their own magical story.

Reims France, Les Faux de Verzy

These dwarf beeches have been under protection for quite some time now. Their roots are really sensitive, so they’re kept inside fences in the forest. But don’t worry, there are designated paths for visitors to use.

As you explore the Faux de Verzy national forest, you’ll come across lots of explanatory boards that provide information about the dwarf beeches and highlight the importance of preserving our natural heritage. For an even more in-depth tour of the forest, consider installing the ‘En forêt de Verzy’ app on your smartphone.

Reims France, Les Faux de Verzy

The forest of Verzy is quite expansive, covering an area of 57 hectares. There’s even a hiking path (which is also designed for the disabled) that you can complete in around 2 hours at a relaxed pace.

So, when you’re packing for your trip to Reims, don’t forget to bring some comfortable footwear! The dwarf trees in the forest look spectacular and their appearance changes with each season. That’s why I believe there’s no ideal time to visit the Faux de Verzy national forest – it’s beautiful all year round. But if I had to pick a favorite, I’d go with autumn for the stunning fall colors.

Reims France, Les Faux de Verzy

You can visit the Faux de Verzy national forest any time you like because it’s open all year round. And the best part? There’s no admission fee! So all you need to do is kick back, enjoy nature, and marvel at the spectacular trees that surround you.

How to Get to Reims

So, there you have it – my top reasons to visit Reims. If you’re thinking about making a trip to this city, here are some tips I can share. Let me start with how you can get to Reims.

The most straightforward way to get to Reims is by hopping on a train. You can catch one from the Paris Est station, which are scheduled frequently throughout the day. The high-speed TGV will whisk you away to Reims in about 45 minutes.

You can grab your tickets from SNCF, the national rail service of France. Just a heads up, all trains bound for Reims depart from the Gare de Est station in Paris and pull into either the Reims or Champagne-Ardenne stations.

Here’s how long it might take you to drive from some of France’s major cities to Reims:

  • From Paris, it’s about a 1 hour and 43 minute drive.
  • From Lyon, you’re looking at around 4 hours and 22 minutes on the road.

Getting Around Reims

If you’ll be exploring Reims on your own, you can totally get by with public transportation.

They’ve got everything from streetcars to buses, and even electric shuttles that’ll take you wherever you need to go in the city. For more info on public transportation in Reims, head over to the Citura website. They’re the ones handling transportation services in Reims.

If you drove into Reims, there are park-and-ride spots where you can leave your car. You can also learn more about parking lots in Reims from Citura Website.

Are you planning to get from Reims to the Champagne wine region? There are three options. You can hop on a train, grab a taxi, or drive yourself. While you can use public transport to get around the city of Reims, if you plan to explore the smaller villages and towns in the Champagne region, public transportation might not be sufficient.

These areas are reportedly poorly served by public transport (compared to the cities!) Therefore, renting a car could be a good option for more flexibility and convenience.

When to Visit Reims

If you’re thinking about a trip to Reims and the Champagne Region in France, consider going between May and September.

The weather is typically nice during these months, perfect for sightseeing. However, if you’re a connoisseur of fine wines, specifically, summer or early fall would be your season. This is when the Reims and the Champagne Region is abuzz with the excitement of champagne production and tourism.

You’ll find yourself amidst a whirlwind of tours, events, and festivals celebrating the bubbly beverage. One such event is the Ay Champagne Festival in Summer, a grand celebration where local Champagne producers gather for a day filled with dancing, music, food, and fireworks.

But if you’re more inclined towards smaller, independent vineyards, consider visiting after the harvest season in late summer when they’re less busy – say October or November. And for those who appreciate culture and history, spring or fall would be great times to visit due to mild weather, fewer crowds, and lower prices compared to summer.

Plus, you can enjoy the vibrant spring flowers and autumn foliage.

How Long to Stay in Reims

One day should suffice to see the city’s highlights. Start your morning with a visit to the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palais du Tau.

In the afternoon, immerse yourself in the local culture with some wine tasting and excursions. However, to explore the Champagne Region in its entirety, meet with winegrowers, visit various museums in the city, and special attractions, you might need to extend your stay to two days or more.

This will allow you to fully experience all that Reims has to offer.

Where to Stay in Reims

Here are some areas you might want to consider for your stay: City center, Saint-Remi neighborhood, and Champagne countryside.

Starting with the city center, you’ll find yourself in the heart of Reims, just a hop, skip and a jump away from the iconic Reims Cathedral. This vibrant area is buzzing with life, offering a plethora of restaurants and shops that you can easily reach on foot. It’s an ideal spot if you’re relying on public transport for your travels.

Then we have the Saint-Remi neighborhood. Located near the Basilique Saint-Remi, this neighborhood provides a calm haven away from the city’s lively atmosphere. Keep in mind, if you decide to stay here, you might need to hop on a bus for a quick journey to the city center.

Lastly, for those who feel at home in nature, the Champagne countryside awaits. It’s the place to stay if you prefer more champagne tasting and ample opportunities to explore the stunning landscape.

Here’s were you can find the best hotel deals in Reims.

Guides to Visit Reims

Thinking about visiting Reims now?

Before you go, I’ve got some resources that can make your trip smoother, more insightful, and a whole lot of fun! One of my top recommendations is the Reims City Pass. It’s loaded with benefits and could be a real money-saver for your entire Reims adventure.

Where to Go After Reims?

If you’re seeking more destinations to explore in France, I recommend venturing south. This is where you’ll find charming, romantic, and picturesque destinations such as Annecy and the lovely villages of the South of France.

The south of France is home to many charming and picturesque villages, each with its own character and history. Some of them are perched on hilltops, like Gordes, Domme and Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Others are nestled on the coast, like Eze and Saint Paul De Vence, where you can enjoy the Mediterranean breeze and the artistic atmosphere. Some are famous for their religious significance, like Rocamadour and Carcassonne, where you can admire the impressive architecture and the sacred relics.

And some are known for their natural beauty, like Moustiers-Sainte-Marie and Chamonix, where you can explore the lavender fields, the mountains and the glaciers. No matter which village you visit, you will find something to enchant you and make you fall in love with the south of France.

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Reims France_ The 10 Best Reasons Why Should Visit Reims
Reims France_ The 10 Best Reasons Why Should Visit Reims

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